Three birds on a wire,
synchronized in stillness, overseeing,
Have you come that I might know peace as well,
in a backdrop of beauty and symbol?
My gaze is fixed.
And then in a soft flutter, there is one.
Are you forsaken?
Only for a moment,
soon to be united again with your Companions,
even for eternity.
It is my promise too, made visable
and available by
One Who is worthy,
One who will never leave or forsake
because He has endured being forsaken,
but only for a moment in time.
And so you float down among the flock,
Little Ones who gather seed,
until fullness of time has come,
Beautiful Reminder.
synchronized in stillness, overseeing,
Have you come that I might know peace as well,
in a backdrop of beauty and symbol?
My gaze is fixed.
And then in a soft flutter, there is one.
Are you forsaken?
Only for a moment,
soon to be united again with your Companions,
even for eternity.
It is my promise too, made visable
and available by
One Who is worthy,
One who will never leave or forsake
because He has endured being forsaken,
but only for a moment in time.
And so you float down among the flock,
Little Ones who gather seed,
until fullness of time has come,
Beautiful Reminder.